Name of the institute: Dept. of Material Sciences, Uppsala university
Machine type: 5 MV tandem
Type, flux and energy of available particles:
All particles except heavy noble gases
Flux up to micro amp
500 keV < E < 10 MeV for protons
1 MeV < E < 50 MeV highly charged heavy ions
Dimensions allowed for the samples to irradiate:
Up to 4 inch wafers
Beam time can normally be arranged within a month
See Nucl. Inst. & Meth. in Phys. Res. B36, 345 (1989)
Contact person: Dr. Anders Hallén
Tel.: +46 (0)18 471 3435, Fax: +46 (0)18 555 736
Uppsala University, Ångström Laboratory
Department of Material Sciences
Division of Ion Physics
P.O. Box 534
SE-751 21 Uppsala
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